Friday 12 February 2010

Wire bird cage

Over the past year I've particularly enjoyed exploring the 3D based aspects of the course, as I was influenced by an artist I researched called Cathy Miles, who specialises in making wire based sculptures. Above is a wire bird cage I have made as I was inspired by her work. I have also tried to create an illustrative effect to my work by adding text to create more of a homely feel.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, im currently studying Fine Art in Notthingham and for one of assisgnments we have to propose a way of showing off work and i have chose to do and online zine. This is not a live project its just a proposal, but our group is putting together what our website would look like and our first months issue is cage and i was just wondering if we have permission to use your image for it is what we are looking for for our textiles and 3d page, as i said this is not a live projeect so it will not be on the internet only our tutors would see it please respond back to me on
